The Former 2nd General of Harijan Arny of India Society.Reg: No: K-7/1967

The General of HAIS

The General of HAIS
HAIS-The Harijan Army of India Socity.Reg: No: K-07/1967. Mob: 9037773834


Saturday, June 5, 2010

Prior sanction


tIcf kÀ¡mÀ,
{]n³kn¸Â sk{I«dn
SC/ST. hnIk\hIp¸v
Kh: sk{I«dntbddv

hmZn {]Xn
sI.bp IpªptamÄ PnÃm ]«nIPmXn hnIk\ Hm^okvÀ
shfnb¯n¸d¼n PnÃm Hm^okv
amªqÀ ku¯v P.O IeIvt{Sddv _nÂUnwKv
Pin: 686603 tIm«bw IeIvt{Sddv P.O

Te Kerala (SC/ST) Regulation of issue of Community Certificates Act- 1996 –Section-20 {]Imcw Sn {]Xns¡Xnsc \nba\S]Sn¡v A\paXn¡v hmZn kaÀ¸n¡p¶ At]£.


hmZn tIm«bw PnÃbn ssh¡w Xmeq¡n ISp¯pcp¯n t»m¡nÂ, amªqÀ {Kma]©mb¯n 11-mw hmÀUn shfnb¯n¸d¼n PbtZhv `mcy Kyl`cWw 35hbÊv sI.bp IpªptamÄ F¶ ]«nIPmXn lnµp–tNcaÀ kapZmb¡mcnbmWv.

kzbw sXmgn ]²Xn¡v ISp¯pcp¯n t»m¡v ]«nIPmXn hnIk\ Hm^okvÀ¡v 14-11-2007  hmZn sImSp¯ At]£bn {io taml\Zmk³ \mbÀ F¶ ssh¡w XlkoÂZmcpsS 02-8-2007se kn3-3641/07/33 \¼À ip]mÀibn 15-11-07seA3—105/07\¼À I¯p {]Imcw hmZnbpsS D]Poh\¯n\pff B\pIqey§sf Sn {]Xn a\]qÀÆw \ntj[n¨ncn¡pIbmWv. F¶m 1996 se tIcf (SC/ST) Regulation of Issues of Community Certificates Act -11 – {]Imcw 20-07-2007  hmZn¡v e`n¨ C 3- 3641 /07/33- \¼À PmXn kÀ«n^n¡ddv _Ôs¸« XlkoÂZmÀ {io taml\Zmk³ \mbÀ d±psN¿pItbm , d±psNbvXXmbn 02-8-07se C3-3641/07/33 \¼À I¯p{]Imcw Sn {]Xnsb Adnbn¡pItbm sNbvXn«nÃmXncns¡, hmZnbpsS D]Poh\ ¯n\pff A\pIqeyw XSbp¶Xnt\m A\phZn¡p¶Xnt\m Sn {]Xnbv¡v \nba]camtbm kmam\y \oXn]camtbm A[nImchpw AhImihpw CÃm¯Xpw {]XypX hmZn DÄs¸Sp¶ kaql¯nsâ km¼¯nI ]ptcmKXn¡mbn X¶memhpw hn[w HutZymKnI ]Zhn hn\ntbmKn¡m³ _m²ykvY\pw NpaXes¸«h\pamb Sn {]Xn. hmZn¡v FXnsc t{Zml]camb \S]SnIÄ \S¯nbn«pffXmWv.


1. Sn 02-8-2007 se C3-3641 /07/33 \¼À I¯p{]Imcw ssh¡w XlkoÂZmÀ hmZnbpsS PmXn kÀ«n^n¡ddv Iym³k sNbvXXmbn {]Xnsb tcJmaqew Adnbn¨n«nÃm¯XmWv.
2. Sn C 3-3641 /07/33 \¼À 20-07-2007 se hmZnbpsS PmXn kÀ«n^n¡ddv d±psNbvXn«pffXmsW¶v Sn kÀ«n^n¡ddnsâ ssIhi¡mcnbmb hmZnsb Sn {]Xn tcJmaqew Adnbn¨n«bnÃm¯XmWv.
3. Sn XlkoÂZmcpsS 02-08-2007 se ip]mÀi hmZnbv¡v e`nt¡­ B\pIqey¯n\v XSÊamsW¶v IcpXm³ Sn {]Xn¡v \ymbambtXm \nba]cambtXm Bb bmsXmcp ImcW§fpw DXv`hn¨n«nÃ.
4. Sn kzbw sXmgn ]²XnbpsS KpWt`mIvXm¡fpsS XncsªSp¸nsâ A´na enkvddv X¿mdmt¡­Xv Sn XlkoÂZmcpsS I¯n³taeà F¶v Adnbmhp¶ {]Xnbv¡v hmZnsb t{Zmln¡Wsa¶pw km¼¯nI DbÀ¨bv¡v X¶memhpw hn[w A\phZn¡cpsX¶ a\:]qÀÆamb e£yw D­mbncp¶p F¶v A\pam\n¡mhp¶XmWv.
5. hmZnbpsS PmXn kÀ«n^n¡ddv d±psN¿s¸Sm¯nSt¯mfw {]kvXpX BIvSnsâ 30-mw hIp¸p{]Imcw 14-11-2007 se [\klmb¯n\v AÀlXbpff At]£IbmsW¶v Andnªncn¡m³ \nba]camb _m²yXbpff {]Xn , hmZnbpsS D]Poh\amÀ¤w A\ymbambn XSÊw hcp¯n t{Zmln¨n«pffXmWv.

\nba]cambn aqeyanÃm¯ tcJIÄ Na¨v 15-11-2007  A3 -105/07 \¼cnse ]camÀi§Ä bYmÀ°amsW¶v hmZn hnizkn¡Wsa¶ IcpXtemSpw X¿msdSpt¸mSpw IqSn hmZnbv¡v Ab¨psISp¡pIbpw hmZnsb sXddn²cn¸n¡pIbpw sNbvXv hmZnbpsS D]Poh\amÀ¤w XSªp h¨Xn h¨v 1996 se 11-mw BIvddv {]Imcapff IpddIyXy§fm _m[n¡s¸«Xmb hmZnbv¡v kmam\y \oXn t\Sp¶Xn\mbn addp \nhy¯nIÄ CÃm¯Xn\m 1996 se 11-mw BIvddnsâ 20-m-w hIp¸{]Imcw Sn {]Xns¡Xnsc \nba\S]SnIÄ Bcw`n¡m³ _lpam\s¸« kÀ¡mÀ A\paXn A\phZn¨v D¯chp­mIWsa¶v At]£n¡p¶p.


kvYew : amªqÀ ku¯v. At]£I
XobXn : / 6 / 2010 sI.bp.IpªptamÄ

Monday, May 24, 2010


The Harijan Army of India Society.H.O. Manjoor is a Charitable Society Registered under the Travancore Cochin Literary Scientific and Charitable Societies Registration Act 1955as No: K-7/ 1967 on 10-04-1967 at District Registrar (General) Office ,Kottyam. On 20-06-1965, Smt: Suseela Pappan being the Chairperson and Sri . T.J.Rajeshakharan being the General Secretary, and Sri. K.M.Panikar being the Cashier , the formation of an adhock committee executed at Achamma Vilasam Buildings Kottayam .Further,Sri. T.J.Rajasekharan became the General of the society and obtained the registration on 10-04-1967and opened the Head Office at Karappuzha, Kottayam , having the Objects naimly:-
Co ordination of Harijans in India and engaged in the welfare and socio-economic, cultural activities etc;
A .The name of this society is The Harijan army of India Society.
B. Harijan means:- Pulaya community members in Kerala state now known as
Scheduled Castes .
C .A member means : a membership approved person by this society as a member in
terms and conditions of this society .
Eligibility of Members
Each and every Harijan (Pulaya) member aged up to 21 years old .

Pulaya the Harijan is one of the main representative of the Scheduled Castes community in Kerala State.They are also known as Cheramar, Pulayan, Pulayar in some localities. The derivation of Pulayan is usually sought to be from Pula, it could also be derived from pulam a wet field associating them with the agricultural operations from raising paddy crops from paddy fields in Kerala. They are considered as Slaves as part and parcel of the lands on which they lived and worked for his master. There are several groups of Pulaya families in olden days known as Kazhuthillam, Vellillam, etc;. working for his masters. When rights over such lands were transferred from one master to another the workers attached to them were also transferred along with it. The master also had power of life and death m over his slaves .Thus they spread all over the state .Whenever they communicate each other in public place in public place , usually at market place or adjoining with another master or on progress of proposal they introduce as themselves their own ‘illam’ to identify that if they are brothers or sisters of one family who forcibly separated by their masters from their childhood along with their parents.
In the last era of such situation on 1965 ,a new thought brought up and intended to establish a charitable society fro the welfare and uplift of such Pulaya community been succeeded as Haijan Army of India Society.